Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Easter 2014

This was JB's first Easter! We had a fabulous day. Richard and Silas woke up very early to attend the Sunrise Service. JB and I met them after for breakfast.

Prior to Easter, JB had been to nursery twice and I had to come get him both times. This time, he made it all the way through. I was happy sad. Ha!
We enjoyed lunch and an Easter egg hunt with the Rushings and Lawsons. Silas had a blast getting to play with kids his age rather than just hunting by himself.

Juju made their sweet outfits, and I am in love with them. I can't wait to have Silas's portrait made in his this summer.

When trying to take their pictures, it wasn't working out so well. Silas told me that I "get what I get and don't pitch a fit." Thanks kid.

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