Thursday, March 28, 2013

Big Boy Bed

Silas turns 3 in less than a week. Tear! His birthday present from us was getting a big boy bed. Since Richard and I are off this week for Spring Break (the only SB we have ever had together in 6 years!), we decided to go ahead and make the leap.

Silas was so excited! He cried before his nap wanting his crib back, but he slept just fine in the bed. When he went down at bedtime, he did great! Slept all night and didn't fall out! We are so proud of him! We "hid" some of his stuffed animals (he had about 15 in his crib) but he had to have Yummy, John Brown, Murdock, and Dr. Paul Stripes!

Fake sleeping for a picture. Ha!


Chubbs, Silas, and Granddaddy
March 24, 2013

Yee Haw!

Chubbs though it would be a great idea for Silas to experience bull riding at its finest since the PBR was coming to Dothan. His boss, Damon, is a rodeo clown, so it was neat to have a connection. Silas LOVED it! It made me too nervous... I'm good if Si wants to watch bull riding but not if he wants to participate in bull riding. :)

Damon, the clown

A real bull rider! Silas asked him why he fell off the bull and got his hat all dirty. He said he tried not to. ;)

A little piece of nostalgia: Si is wearing Chubbs's cowboy shirt from when he was a little boy! (And the only piece of denim he owns... Well, it is really Gates's!)

Cici came too, but I do not have a picture that everyone would agree on to post. LOL!


My husband is a high school coach. He is the Offensive Coordinator of the football team and the Varsity boys basketball coach. My son has started playing MicroSoccer. He usually hops around like a kangaroo with his fingers straight out. He says he is a big truck with pokey things to poke people. My husband, the coach, is going nuts.

Ideally, we would see a lot of running in a herd of kids to kick the soccer ball.

After about an hour, the first day of soccer, in the middle of the field, while the game was occurring, my son decided it was time for his nap. Did I mention this was in the middle of the field?

Three weeks later, my son has developed true leadership skills. He now has a buddy to nap with him! I love Richard's expression here...

Silas's favorite part! Shaking hands means it is time to go.

I would like to note that Silas is still 2. The league is for 3-4 year olds, but since he does turn 3 during the season, he could play. After the first game, Si realized that he was too slow to keep up. He phoned it in after that.

Last Sunday, we told him it was time to get ready for soccer. He said he didn't want to go. When we asked why, he replied,"I just can't keep up with Champ, guys. He is too fast for me." Ha! Champ is our team's allstar!

First Haircut

Mrs. Linda, who has been cutting my hair since middle school, gave my baby his first haircut. It was a little out of control. He kept ending up with a "butt cut" trying to sweep his locks out of his eyes, so Daddy said it was time. This started the transformation from toddler to boy that we have seen over the last couple of weeks. He looks adorable!!! But I really do miss his curls.

Conversations with Silas

In the car this week:

S- Mommy, do you have any babies in your tummy?
M- No bud.
S- How do you get babies in your tummy?
M- Well, we pray and ask God. He decides who gets babies.
S- Ok, I am going to ask for two. A baby brother and a baby sister. I want both.