Thursday, March 28, 2013

Big Boy Bed

Silas turns 3 in less than a week. Tear! His birthday present from us was getting a big boy bed. Since Richard and I are off this week for Spring Break (the only SB we have ever had together in 6 years!), we decided to go ahead and make the leap.

Silas was so excited! He cried before his nap wanting his crib back, but he slept just fine in the bed. When he went down at bedtime, he did great! Slept all night and didn't fall out! We are so proud of him! We "hid" some of his stuffed animals (he had about 15 in his crib) but he had to have Yummy, John Brown, Murdock, and Dr. Paul Stripes!

Fake sleeping for a picture. Ha!

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