Sunday, October 7, 2012


Silas has been seeing monsters every night in his room for about three months now...well, ever since we got back from Slovenia. We have talked to him about how monsters are not real unless they are sweet like Elmo, about how monsters could never get in our house, and most importantly about how when we are scared we can pray, asking God to protect us and help us to be brave like David.

Well, a few days ago, Richard had had it. (The night before, Si called us in there screaming that a monster named Buddy crawled through his window wearing a pink shirt. Our son has a vivid imagination!) After about 5 minutes of screaming about monsters, Richard went in and told Silas there were no monsters and if he said anything about monsters again, he would get a bare bottom spanking. At that point, Silas, with tears in his eyes, pointed to the ceiling and said, "But Daddy, he is right there!"

Sure enough, Si's nightlight was shining up through his lamp (which was on top of his bookcase), and it made what appeared to be a face with eyes and a mouth on the ceiling. Whoops! We both felt awful! He had never pointed it out to us before, even when we asked him where the monsters were. The lamp has been moved now and the monsters are gone. :)

1 comment:

The Smith Family said...

Aww poor thing! Glad you all figured it out! Their little imaginations are going none stop