Saturday, October 16, 2010

Hard at work!

First thing this morning, Silas began working hard trying to move. He can roll from side to side and make a great banana. See for yourself!

Of course, all of this hard work could not be done without his trusty paci. Si and his paci have rekindled their love for each other. He had gotten to the point of rejecting the paci, somewhat weaned himself from using it. I was good with that because I didn't have to play "paci fairy" during the night anymore. Now, he is great at being his own "paci fairy." He will actually reject it when you give it to him, pick it up himself, and put it in his mouth. Yes, I was that parent that said I would just leave it in his crib for naps and bedtime; however, it seems to feel good to his gums and make him very happy! Once again, pacis are stashed everywhere.

1 comment:

Brooke said...

That's how Anna Lee began moving. She'd roll from one end of the room to the next to get to what she wanted. He'll be walking by Monday. Haha