Before I could turn around, G-daddy had Silas inside, and Gigi was in quick step behind. I did momentarily distract her with a pot of flowers. Once we made it inside, I saw the cutest thing I have seen in a long time; my 81 year old Graddaddy was on all fours next to Si's carseat carrying on a precious conversation with him. It was a wonderful moment in time that I couldn't document because my camera was still in the car. He said he didn't know how to "get him out of that contraption" so he just decided to sit down there with him. ADORABUS!!
I was a little nervous about how Silas would do with the change in his routine. Thankfully, he eased my nerves with his transition. He did great! I think that had to do with the extra dose of love he received from the family the entire trip. Silas loved having Gigi feed him. She gently snuggled him up and made sure he drank all 8 oz at every feeding. Gigi even pulled late night duty with me and fed him at the 10 pm feeding each night! Truly, I only fed him twice the entire time we were in Selma- and, thanks to Gigi, I bet he now weighs 17 lbs!
On Tuesday, Si had his 3 month photo shoot. G-daddy missed the commotion as he was performing his civic duty and working at the polls...hope you voted!!
Silas, after 2 days of non-stop smiles, decided that the photo shoot was a time to be serious. I mean nothing could make him smile. Really. Check out our attempts... (The pics are a little dark. I had already uploaded them before I realized they needed lightening.)
Finally, we all got quiet, and Gigi talked to him. That, of course, brought forth some large grins! Thankfully, I think Blanton was able to capture a couple before the sleep meltdown occurred.
While we were there, Si got lots of laughs with all of his stretching. Everytime Gigi would hold him, look at him, or start to feed him, he would contort his body in strange ways while stretching. G-daddy was convinced that it was because he slept swaddled up. Anytime Silas would even look like he was maybe thinking about moving something, G-daddy said it was because he couldn't move anything in his sleep since I had him tied down. Good news for G-daddy...last night Si slept unswaddled for the first time!!!
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