Christmas 2006
Wedding Rehearsal
July 21, 2010
Yesterday was our 3 year anniversary! It is hard to believe it has already been three years, but in some ways it seems like so many more. I have loved and cherished every moment. Here are a few things I have learned about Richard so far:
1. Loves God.
2. Hogs the covers and hangs his feet over the footboard of our queen bed.
3. Will make everything a competition-even changing channels on the t.v. and turning off the fan.
4. His toilet paper always has to roll over- never under.
5. Can completely cover a bathroom counter in toothpaste right after it has been cleaned.
6. Excellent daddy.
7. Enjoys all sports and coaching all sports....except soccer.
8. Basketball outranks them all.
9. Only fits himself in his truck as the rest of the room is taken by garbage, clothes, papers, etc.
10. Willing to clean out said truck in a moments notice to help out anyone.
11. Procrastinator.
12. Treasures our families.
13. Will get out of bed to turn off a forgotten light left on even if it is freezing outside the covers.
14. Misinterprets the words "pearl ring" for "Nintendo Wii".
15. Would be very successful in a job where making fun of people was the main objective.
16. Will laugh out loud if something is funny.
17. Despises having his picture taken.
18. Can drink a whole gallon of tea in one day- especially Gigi's.
19. Opinionated and will speak his mind...unless it involves whipped cream on a milkshake.
20. Likes reeeeaaaalllly chocolatey homemade chocolate milk before bed about once a week.
21. Grossed out by belly buttons.
22. Makes notes and notes and notes about basketball and leaves them all over the house.
23. Always wears socks, even around the house, and hates flip flops.
24. Has an adorable baby talk voice...although he swore he'd never talk baby talk.
25. Tries to make deals in his sleep.
26. Puts me before himself daily.
Pretty much, I have the best husband in the world! Usually we go to the beach for a few days for our anniversary. Last year, I was pregnant on our anniversary, and we didn't know! The doctor actually called us while we were on the road to the beach, told us that we were not pregnant and would have to try again the next month. Little did we all know that Silas was already forming in my womb. God is awesome! Anyway, this year we decided that since we just got our pool and just had a baby, we would stay in Dothan. A wonderful dinner and movie as long as Gone with the Wind later, we headed back home to see Si.
I hadn't seen Silas all day! It was the longest I have ever been away from him. I had a dentist appointment in the morning, and Richard needed to go to his parents and use his wonderful handyman skills to help Greg erect their new pool. So, Grandmother kept Si that morning. (Of course I don't have a picture because Richard didn't take any, so I attached an older one. :) ) Then, Mimi came over to keep him so that we could go on our first date since he was born. It was wonderful and strange. I was ready to see him...that's certain! I do know this, I am NOT ready to leave him all day to go back to school.
Right now, as I was typing this, Si giggled for the first time!!!! It was adorabus!!! It sounded like a tiny coughing laugh. Precious!!! He is getting so big! I mean that literally as well. Over the last couple of days every outfit I have put him in has been too small in the stride. He is oficially outgrowing his bubbles. So sad!!! His daddy does like jon jons better, so it is good news for him I guess. Here are a couple pics from last week.
1 comment:
Jude's jeep came from Babies-R-Us. Thanks for commenting. It'll be fun watching these two boys grow up....they are so similiar....I love the chunkiness. =)
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