Friday, July 9, 2010

14 weeks

Si is 14 weeks old today! I can't believe it! Here are some comparison pictures of Silas with John Brown.

6 weeks

12 weeks

14 weeks

Time sure has flown by! As I was glancing through my pictures of Silas, becoming increasinly sentimental, I wished I had taken Mimi's advice and taken a picture of him each week with John Brown...or at least on the 2nd of every month. Guess I'll just have to start now!! Silas is rather grumpy today and refused to smile even for a single picture, but I kept snapping anyway!

We are headed to Selma on Monday to see Gigi, G-daddy, Graunt Judy, Gruncle Barry, Blan, and Anna Reed. While we are there, Blan will be taking Si's 3 month photos. Look for them soon!

Check out some of his work at

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