Sunday, February 3, 2013


Silas LOVED Santa this year. So much for him ever giving us that screaming pic. Ha! He talked to Santa for about 15 minutes. He had been telling us for 3 weeks he wanted roller skates. Suddenly, in Santa's lap, that story changed.
The only thing Silas asked for this Christmas was "a blue tricycle with a horn and a bell and 5 helmets." Santa found one, and R and I were so excited for Si to see it on Christmas morning. R set up with the video camera to capture the first glance of the trike. I got him out of his bed. He walked around the corner... and instead of a wonderful reaction we got, "Well, there it is." Bahaha! It was priceless. (Many thanks to Granddaddy who helped Santa by putting it together!)

Thanks. A. Lot. Chubbs. The drums were such a great gift.

Richard's family does not take a group picture every year. Hopefully, I can change that ASAP!! (As in next year.)

Sweet Rudy the Dog Tisdale

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