As of December 11, 2010, Caitlin is officially out of college and can get a real job as a nurse. We all had to travel to T-town for the momentous day. (No, my house was not funeralized. I was just hoping for the best.) Si and I left with Mimi to meet Chubbs in Montgomery and head that way. Richard was planning to sleepily meet us Saturday morning after coaching Friday night. The trip itself was great. Silas really is a good traveler- especially with Mimi in the backseat from Montgomery to Tuscaloosa.
Silas and I stayed with Cait and loved the quality time, even though we didn't hang out too late. She had to get up at the crack of dawn in order to be on campus on time. Thankfully, Silas's crib at home is right behind our shower wall, so being in the bedroom while Cait showered and got ready did not hinder his sleep at all. The problem was that once he woke up, he was extremely clingy and fussy. Little did we know this was the beginning of our scary episode with bronchiolitis. (For some reason, his nose keeps photographing orange. I am so careful to be sure that he eats green veggies before orange veggies and eats them evenly. I have no clue why this is happening. But, boy is he beautiful! Orange nose and all!)
Richard, Silas, and I finally made it to the ceremony to meet the rest of the family. Caitlin gracefully adorned the stage and received her diploma. Hurray! Not only did Caitlin graduate, but Santa did too! Twice! Ha! Before we made it outside to take pictures, Richard took Silas down to see Caitlin as she exited. Blanton requested a shout out in the orchestra's microphone, while they were playing of course. Richard definitely answered his request, and the mic was on! We died laughing. If looks could kill, the conductor would have blown Richard to smithereens.
Amy, Aunt Cait, Blanton, Me
A Sisters' Tradition
Richard, Si, Chubbs, Gruncle Barry, Blanton
Mimi had lunch catered, and Uncle Barry made delicious dessert. We are so thankful that Caitlin has her nursing degree and is home so that she can see Si more often. Praise the Lord! Now, on to the job search!
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