I know this post is approximately 20 days past due; however, we have been battling the busy bug and the under the weather bug over here in the Tisdale household. Seems that after a yucky case of bronchiolitis that caused us to be grumpy for Aunt Cait's graduation and completely miss Si's first family Christmas on my side, we are on the mend. Praise ye the Lord!!

Our little buddy is now 8 months old! He is still not mobile. (Notice from the pictures that he is still a Serious McGee.) I find myself encouraging him to move frequently. Then I realize what I am doing and snap out of it! Hey, as it is we have nothing baby proofed. It's great! You sit him somewhere, and you know he will be there until you sit him somewhere else. The only bummer is that Silas is beginning to want to move around and can't figure it out. He lays on his stomach, pushes up with his arms, and kicks like he is swimming. If you put his legs in "crawling position," he lets go with his arms and face plants into the carpet. Si would much rather stand and hold onto something. He is working on pulling up to standing and going from lying to sitting. Silas's favorite trick is to "slide" from your lap to standing on the floor. He is so proud of himself each time he does it.

The paci is still adored by Si. It was heartbreaking when he couldn't suck it because he was so congested. I had to hide them because he would just look at them and cry. Now I know you are thinking, "What a good time to break him from the paci!" In theory, yes. In practice, no. My hiding places weren't that great, and when he saw one after he was feeling a little less congested, his face lit up. So nap times are back to being easy and wonderful because our little friend the paci is able to provide some soothing. Getting rid of the paci is something we can worry about later.
Our little buddy is now 8 months old! He is still not mobile. (Notice from the pictures that he is still a Serious McGee.) I find myself encouraging him to move frequently. Then I realize what I am doing and snap out of it! Hey, as it is we have nothing baby proofed. It's great! You sit him somewhere, and you know he will be there until you sit him somewhere else. The only bummer is that Silas is beginning to want to move around and can't figure it out. He lays on his stomach, pushes up with his arms, and kicks like he is swimming. If you put his legs in "crawling position," he lets go with his arms and face plants into the carpet. Si would much rather stand and hold onto something. He is working on pulling up to standing and going from lying to sitting. Silas's favorite trick is to "slide" from your lap to standing on the floor. He is so proud of himself each time he does it.
Silas has tried blueberry yogurt, cheese pieces, and Cheerios for the first time and adores them all. His food intake has decreased drastically since being sick, so we are working on building it back up. He used to take an 8 oz bottle, but now we are lucky if he will drink more than 4 oz over a 30-45 minute period. You know my baby is sick if he won't eat and drink! He has done better eating baby food though. Silas isn't loving his cereal very much, but I make him eat it once a day. Dr. B says it is important, so we will trust her.
Sleeping is going great as well. Si will sleep all night through though he has been waking up a little early since being sick. He was taking 2 naps a day- a short one in the morning and long one in the afternoon. During our post sickness build everything back up period, he stays awake about 2 hours and then wants to lie down even if it is just to rest.
Silas has learned to pitch a grand fit when something doesn't go his way. He scream cries, throws his head back, goes rigid, and kicks like a bear has grabbed a hold of his foot until he gets whatever he wanted or you distract him. It is ridiculous- and obvious that we have a headstrong individual on our hands. He, without question, got this temper from his daddy, but we love them both anyway.
The paci is still adored by Si. It was heartbreaking when he couldn't suck it because he was so congested. I had to hide them because he would just look at them and cry. Now I know you are thinking, "What a good time to break him from the paci!" In theory, yes. In practice, no. My hiding places weren't that great, and when he saw one after he was feeling a little less congested, his face lit up. So nap times are back to being easy and wonderful because our little friend the paci is able to provide some soothing. Getting rid of the paci is something we can worry about later.
Right now we are ready for our first Christmas as a family of 3. Even though we missed my extended family Christmas (I held it together fairly well that day), Silas did get to open a couple of his presents from that day. (We are saving the rest for Christmas Eve with my parents.) He got this awesome ornament from Gigi and G-daddy. It recorded them singing We Wish You a Merry Christmas and telling him Merry Christmas. I completely cried when we played it. Bonus: Richard and I got one too! These will be cherished always!
Happy 8 months Baby Si!
I will be back soon with Christmas updates and Aunt Cait's graduation.
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