My side of the family celebrates our Family Christmas together the Saturday prior to Christmas. Since Silas was still sick, we opted to stay home. This ended up being a good choice since Emi, Payton, and Graci ended up sick afterwards. I was extremely sad to miss Si's first Family Christmas, but I am already excited about next year's. I told him all about dinner, reading the Christmas story together, singing Happy Birthday Jesus around the birthday cake baked by Gruncle Barry, how next year he could blow out Jesus's candles, passing out presents, and the big mess left afterwards. We also always take a family picture which I cherish dearly. (I hope Richard and I can convince his family to start next year. Wink, wink!) I will share it with you once I receive a copy. Chris is usually in charge, and the Dramers are currently skiing. (In a ton of fresh snow, might I add.) Good news! Graunt Judy sent me the pics! Thankfully, they were sure to put our little family in! So sweet!
Mid: Shannon, Gates, G-daddy, Payton, Gigi, Graci, Aunt Cait, Blanton
The Great-grands minus Si
Happy Birthday Jesus!
Since Si was born, we had to change up our holiday plans this year. Once Richard and I got married, we went to Granny Armstrong's Christmas Eve day, my parents' Christmas Eve night, home to sleep, my parents' Christmas morning, and his parents' Christmas late afternoon. Well, one of my favorite things growing up was that we never left our house on Christmas. I got to stay in my Christmas pajamas all day and play with my new toys. I have been preparing our families since marriage that once we had a child, we would not be going anywhere on Christmas day. Therefore, this year was the beginning of new traditions.
Christmas Eve we headed over to my parents' house to celebrate. This was Si's first time out of the house since being sick, and he was so excited to go. After our traditional Christmas dinner of steak and shrimp, we opened presents. Silas was in heaven. He got an awesome chair...that Chubbs so kindly broke in for him. Gruncle Barry sent Richard a car wash kit (hint, hint, hint). Although he liked the car wash kit, I think he was most excited about the Dothan National VIP card. I RACKED UP with a sewing machine. Yes, you read correctly. The forever clumsy, uncrafty tomboy asked for and received a sewing machine!!! I am stoked about learning to sew thanks to Laura Ashley who got me hooked with one simple pair of pants that Silas has already outgrown. (Thanks to Aunt Cait for the pictures.)
Lottie Moon got an awesome squirrel toy from Silas. If Mimi had let me put it in the tree, it would have actually been National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. Before we left Mimi and Chubbs's house, Nannan etertained Si with a story about Little Orlie, just like she did me when I was growing up.
Once we got home and Si was tucked into bed while visions of sugar plums danced in his head, I in my kerchief and Richard in his hat settled down for...Santa to come. Boy, did he!!
I love that Santa wraps his presents in paper that we have never seen before and doesn't do bows. I understand that he doesn't have time for bows because I know how long they take Mimi and me to make when we are wrapping. I hope that in future years Santa drops toy off of his sleigh that have been put together already. We learned the hard way that when he leaves a note on the box that says "20 minute assembly," it really means an hour and a half.
Christmas morning, Silas was so adorable. Richard fed him a quick bottle and placed him on the floor to put it away so we could open presents. Apparently, Silas got the hang of the whole present thing the night before because he strained to lean over as far as he could, grabbed a present, and began without us! (That is why he isn't set up all cutely beside the Christmas tree.) I will let the pictures speak for themselves.
That afternoon, the grandparents all joined us for breakfast. We tried to take some family pictures. Now, we all know from experience that taking family pictures with Chubbs and Nannan is a nightmare. I will spare you the gazillion outtakes and give you the best we could do. We also took one with Richard's side of the family. Everyone didn't smile simultaneously, but we had better luck than with my side.
Mimi, Si, Nannan, Chubbs
Granddaddy, Si, Granny Armstrong, Grandmother
Sunday, after church, we headed to Richard's parents' for their family Christmas. It is funny to me how traditions vary from family to family. In my family, we pass out all of the presents, and everyone rips away on the count of 3. Richard's family doles out the gifts and opens them from youngest to oldest. So, my family's presents portion takes approximately 5 minutes and Richard's an hour plus. Silas got to go first this year. Sara Grace, 9, has been going first each year for her entire life. I think it was a traumatic experience for her, but she made through it ok! We were very glad to have Uncle Jerry and Granny Armstrong join us this year. There is nothing better than good ole family time during the holidays!

Jonathan, Justin, Uncle Doug, Aunt Dawn, Grandmother, Granddaddy
Grandmother, Granddaddy, Uncle Jerry, Lynne, Granny Armstrong
I cannot believe Si's first Christmas has already come and gone. The house is deChristmasized- well, almost. (All of the Christmas decorations from the inside are down and stacked in the kitchen to be put away. The rest is Richard's job.) Richard heads back to work Monday, and I will follow on Wednesday. I think that will be a big adjustment seeing as though I have spent every day all day with Si for the last 2 weeks. I am not looking forward to it. The good news? We are halfway through the school year! Summertime and every day with Si will be here before I know it!