Seeing as though it is Si's first fall, we found it absolutely necessary to load him up and take him here. (No, he is not vacuum sealed in his carseat. Yes, he is still within the height requirements by 1 inch. Don't worry Mimi, he is getting a "big boy" carseat on Friday.)

Silas loved the return wagon ride. Most especially, he loved my camera and the strap. Aplin Farms was a wonderful way to spend Saturday afternoon.
Silas loved every minute of being on the farm. He studied everything, taking in each and every small detail.
While we waited for the wagon to return from the pumpkin patch so that we could go, we moseyed on into the petting zoo barn. Si was fascinated with the ducks. I guess they reminded him of his bathtub?
After just a couple of minutes, a tractor returned. We climbed into the wagon, and off we headed to the pumpkin patch. Don't worry, Richard carried Si onto the trailor, not me. (Plus, he was wearing his Power Balance trippage here!) On the way to the field I wasn't sure if Si was enjoying the ride or not. He was so serious!
Once we arrived in the land of pumpkins, I could just hear Si next year saying, "Ball! Ball! Ball!" and going from pumpkin to pumpkin. This year, he enjoyed the pumpkins ok, but the dirt was his favorite. Next on his list was most definitely the gourds. He felt like a king sitting on them!
We stomped our way on over to the field of sunflowers where Si discovered pollen. He rubbed his hand all over, around, and inside the flowers. Directly after, his hands went to his eyes, nose, and mouth. It took me a minute (remember, I'm still learning this whole mom thing) but once I realized his bright red face and consecutive sneezes were probably connected to the pollen, I baby wiped him. He was good to go then.

Silas loved the return wagon ride. Most especially, he loved my camera and the strap. Aplin Farms was a wonderful way to spend Saturday afternoon.
And- check out our family picture! It was a one shotter...thanks to the lady with the crazy cat eyeliner and strangely dyed hair. (Maybe that's why Silas was looking away!)
1 comment:
LOVE LOVE LOVE these pics! Such a beautiful family Jennings!!! :)
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