First of all, finding a time that suited our family was a nightmare. Richard isn't home on weeknights until after 7:00 and Si goes to bed at approximately 7:15. It also doesn't help that any of the other weekday times, even if Richard could come home early, happened to be during the "bewitching hours" which would cause our first family church directory photo to have an extremely grumpy baby front and center. Instead, I proudly signed us up for Saturday, September 11, at 10:15 a.m. Finally, a sense of accomplishment, short lived though...the next Sunday, our church announced a missions golf scramble to take place, you guessed it, on Saturday, September 11. Now, not only was Richard dreading the photo shoot, he was whining about the fact that he had to miss the scramble.
Friday night prior to our session, I received a complimentary phone call from Olan Mills to remind us that our picture time was at 11:15 Saturday, September 11, 2010, on the second floor of our church. GREAT! I thought I had chosen wisely, 10:15, which fell directly after a meal. But no. Now, not only did I have a begruding, whiny husband, but I would have a fussy baby since someone signed us up for pictures during our morning nap.
Saturday morning we awoke to a beautiful day. Si was happy. I was ironing. Richard was pouting and pretending to hit golf balls as he got ready. After I got everyone ready, made sure our outfits coordinated but didn't match, checked hair, packed the diaper bag, and said a quick prayer over our forthcoming photo shoot (for my sleepy baby, my picture hating husband, and the photographer that had to deal with us), we headed to church. Somehow, Silas managed to stay awake during the car ride to the church.
When we walked into the sign in room, simultaneously Richard and I noticed the display pictures. Now, Olan Mills used to be the creme de la creme of the photo world. It seems, however, that they have remained trapped in a time warp thinking the same things that were wonderful then are awesome now. Ha! The display pictures were a middle aged lady's glamour shot and a fierce, frowning, greasy haired woman with her two pit bulls.
Richard- I am not taking a million pictures. College football is on and I should be playing golf. Why couldn't we just send in an absentee picture? We just took a family picture when Si was born.
Me- You are participating whether you like it or not. Did you see these pictures?
Richard- What kind of freaks take pictures with their dogs?
Me- I don't know, but they could have at least chosen a smiling picture with their dogs.
Richard- I could have been playing golf right now. You owe me.
Me- We are taking this picture, period.
Richard- Well, it has to be better than that picture of the freak with her attack dogs. Serisouly, who does that? And what about that lady with the glamour shot...
In walks our photographer, the lady with the dogs. Oops.
Now, if you have been reading this at all, you know Silas is a Serious McGee whenever the camera comes out. We are good with it. However, after 15 minutes of trying to talk us in to taking a million different shots of our family ( just Si, just me, just Richard, just Si and me, just Si and Richard, and just Richard and me) our photgrapher decided to give up and attempt to make Silas smile somehow during the 3 shot limit Richard had given her. Let's just say she was determined. I have never heard such sounds coming from a human. Neither had Silas. He stared, and stared, and stared, and stared. Finally, when she quieted down to take a breath, Si smiled. Yipee!! There were two more attempts. Richard had his eyes closed in one. I was looking at the crazy lady instead of the camera in the other. At least we got a family picture for the directory.
I guess she was too mad at us for dissing her doggie picture and refusing a true photo session to tell me my hair was sticking out. Oh well.
great story..and picture!
Loved the story. I can certainly relate! Just wait until you have more children. It gets harder! The picture is great.
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