Sunday, September 30, 2012


Before school started back, Richard decided he wanted to take Si bowling. Boy oh boy did he love it! The guys at Dothan Lanes were extremely helpful and let us go ahead and bowl even though it was league day. I recommend you take your child if you haven't. Well worth it!

Silas LOVED the bowling shoes. He was very upset when he found out we had to give them back. Quickly he told us that it would be ok just to leave his shoes there and he could take his "new" shoes. It is the same exact meltdown he has everytime a waitress takes his plate after eating out.

Mr. Independent wanted to do it all by himself. Thankfully, I was in a bowling league in high school (Yes, you read that correctly! LOL!), so I could teach him the ropes.

I think we have a future bowler on our hands! Not a bad score for his first time!

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