Silas has been seeing monsters every night in his room for about three months now...well, ever since we got back from Slovenia. We have talked to him about how monsters are not real unless they are sweet like Elmo, about how monsters could never get in our house, and most importantly about how when we are scared we can pray, asking God to protect us and help us to be brave like David.
Well, a few days ago, Richard had had it. (The night before, Si called us in there screaming that a monster named Buddy crawled through his window wearing a pink shirt. Our son has a vivid imagination!) After about 5 minutes of screaming about monsters, Richard went in and told Silas there were no monsters and if he said anything about monsters again, he would get a bare bottom spanking. At that point, Silas, with tears in his eyes, pointed to the ceiling and said, "But Daddy, he is right there!"
Sure enough, Si's nightlight was shining up through his lamp (which was on top of his bookcase), and it made what appeared to be a face with eyes and a mouth on the ceiling. Whoops! We both felt awful! He had never pointed it out to us before, even when we asked him where the monsters were. The lamp has been moved now and the monsters are gone. :)
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Friday, October 5, 2012
Conversations to Remember
Si: What does God's hair look like?
Me: I don't know, buddy.
Si: It looks like this. (Puts both hands on head with fingers pointing up) It isn't down like mine. It is up.
Me: How do you know that? Have you ever seen God?
Si: No, Mommy, you have to go to heaven to see God!
This Sunday morning-
Si: I don't want to go to church.
R: Mrs. Leah will miss you!
Si: I don't want to go.
R: Well, who will tell Mrs. Leah about the circus?
Si: Paxton can.
(Paxton was not at the circus, but Si knew he would be in Sunday School)
After church, right after everyone buckled in-
Si: Well, I am NEVER going to church again!
R and I ignored his declaration and turned the radio on to cover our laughter.
To Grandmother-
Si: Mrs. Rebecca and Mr. Matt have a baby at their house. I don't have a baby at my house. I need one at my house.
Me: I don't know, buddy.
Si: It looks like this. (Puts both hands on head with fingers pointing up) It isn't down like mine. It is up.
Me: How do you know that? Have you ever seen God?
Si: No, Mommy, you have to go to heaven to see God!
This Sunday morning-
Si: I don't want to go to church.
R: Mrs. Leah will miss you!
Si: I don't want to go.
R: Well, who will tell Mrs. Leah about the circus?
Si: Paxton can.
(Paxton was not at the circus, but Si knew he would be in Sunday School)
After church, right after everyone buckled in-
Si: Well, I am NEVER going to church again!
R and I ignored his declaration and turned the radio on to cover our laughter.
To Grandmother-
Si: Mrs. Rebecca and Mr. Matt have a baby at their house. I don't have a baby at my house. I need one at my house.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Jonathan got married!
Two weeks ago, my nephew, Jonathan, got married! We are so excited to have Chelsea in the family officially now!
Silas got to be the ring bearer. He was totally excited! Aunt Cindy had been teaching him to growl like the ring "bear," but on the way to the rehearsal, Si changed his mind. Our conversation sounded something like this.
Me: Si, are you ready to go pretend it is Jonathan's wedding tonight?
S: I don't want to growl.
Me: Ok, buddy. You don't have to growl. You just have to carry your pillow.
S: How about I just walk down to Jonathan and say "Here, I brought you a pillow!"?
Hahaha! He knew exactly what he wanted to do.
During the rehearsal, Silas did a perfect job. He stood queitly, mostly. He didn't make it through the entire rehearsal, but I was just proud that he walked down there! And,when he decided he was over the whole rehearsal thing, he just quietly walked right back down the aisle by himself. Bahaha!
On the day of the wedding, he was raring to go! We were a little worried since the time of the wedding was when he is usually napping, but the large amounts of prayer paid off. He made it awake and not ill! When we were waiting, Si thought he was the doorman, not the ring bearer. He kept the door closed at all times. Silas said. "I have to keep the bugs from getting in!"
Si even did a super job during the ceremony! He walked down the aisle with his pillow tucked under his arm like he was running a football. When he got to the front, he handed Uncle Boy his pillow for a few minutes so that he could play in the pebbles. After it was over, he walked right back up the aisle! He was a little delayed, following the bride's parents instead of the bride, but he made it! No tears, no noise, no distraction during the ceremony! We were all so proud!
Wedding Party |
Silas got to be the ring bearer. He was totally excited! Aunt Cindy had been teaching him to growl like the ring "bear," but on the way to the rehearsal, Si changed his mind. Our conversation sounded something like this.
Me: Si, are you ready to go pretend it is Jonathan's wedding tonight?
S: I don't want to growl.
Me: Ok, buddy. You don't have to growl. You just have to carry your pillow.
S: How about I just walk down to Jonathan and say "Here, I brought you a pillow!"?
Hahaha! He knew exactly what he wanted to do.
During the rehearsal, Silas did a perfect job. He stood queitly, mostly. He didn't make it through the entire rehearsal, but I was just proud that he walked down there! And,when he decided he was over the whole rehearsal thing, he just quietly walked right back down the aisle by himself. Bahaha!
Rehearsal= Success!
On the day of the wedding, he was raring to go! We were a little worried since the time of the wedding was when he is usually napping, but the large amounts of prayer paid off. He made it awake and not ill! When we were waiting, Si thought he was the doorman, not the ring bearer. He kept the door closed at all times. Silas said. "I have to keep the bugs from getting in!"
Si even did a super job during the ceremony! He walked down the aisle with his pillow tucked under his arm like he was running a football. When he got to the front, he handed Uncle Boy his pillow for a few minutes so that he could play in the pebbles. After it was over, he walked right back up the aisle! He was a little delayed, following the bride's parents instead of the bride, but he made it! No tears, no noise, no distraction during the ceremony! We were all so proud!
Sara Grace, Zachary, Uncle Boy, Megan, and Bre |
Sibling love! |
Like Father, Like Son
I have never seen two people who so consisently make such terrible faces in pictures... and they make the same face!!!!! Apparently there is no hope for Silas to grow out of it. (For some reason, blogger is not cooperating with the layout on this post.)
Silas with eyes closed. |
And Richard with eyes closed. |
What could be a wonderful family picture...minus Richard's squint eye. |
And a baby squint eye. |
Daddy the Coach!
Football season is here again! Richard is the offensive coordinator of his school's football team. Silas and I are so proud of all of his hard work. (Well Si's favorite thing about Daddy being a coach right now is the awesome coaching hat that Richard got him.) He is constantly working on things in order help the boys improve from week to week. I pray Silas's future coaches put as much heart and time in to his team as Richard does now.
We love packing up on Friday nights and heading to the ballgame. Silas has his own chair this year. Such a big boy!
Right now, the Rebels are 4-1! We can't wait for the rest of the season!
We love packing up on Friday nights and heading to the ballgame. Silas has his own chair this year. Such a big boy!
He loves to yell, "Go, boys, go!" |
He is usually good the first half of the game. By halftime, he is ready to run around and play. Good thing we have some buddies come with us!
Silas and Cooper |
Right now, the Rebels are 4-1! We can't wait for the rest of the season!
What? You don't look like this when you smile? |
Before school started back, Richard decided he wanted to take Si bowling. Boy oh boy did he love it! The guys at Dothan Lanes were extremely helpful and let us go ahead and bowl even though it was league day. I recommend you take your child if you haven't. Well worth it!
Silas LOVED the bowling shoes. He was very upset when he found out we had to give them back. Quickly he told us that it would be ok just to leave his shoes there and he could take his "new" shoes. It is the same exact meltdown he has everytime a waitress takes his plate after eating out.
Mr. Independent wanted to do it all by himself. Thankfully, I was in a bowling league in high school (Yes, you read that correctly! LOL!), so I could teach him the ropes.
I think we have a future bowler on our hands! Not a bad score for his first time!
Silas is 2!
** So, I just found this post saved as a daft from who knows how long ago! Oops!**
My baby turned two on April 2, 2012, a birthday he shares with Mimi. It was a fabulous party day on March 31, Grandmother's birthday. Lots of celebrating going on!
We had planned a precious little dumptruck/sandbox party. I put Richard, Granddaddy, and Zachary to work the week before cleaning the yard and building a sandbox. It brought back so many wonderful memories to me as Si's is just exactly like the sandbox we had in my backyard growing up. Can't beat 4 railroad ties and a truck load of sand!
This is when we first showed Si his new play area. He was excited but timid. Typical Silas. :)
Well, the day of the party came...along with a storm. Boo! So our sandbox party had to be crammed indoors. It worked out ok, but was veeeeerrrry tight! This year we invited all of his little friends from the neighborhood and chuch. It is cute to see them interact. Have you ever tried to get a picture of 13 kids with the majority under 3? Yeah, it isn't that easy...
Thanks to everyone for making this day a wonderful success!!
My baby turned two on April 2, 2012, a birthday he shares with Mimi. It was a fabulous party day on March 31, Grandmother's birthday. Lots of celebrating going on!
We had planned a precious little dumptruck/sandbox party. I put Richard, Granddaddy, and Zachary to work the week before cleaning the yard and building a sandbox. It brought back so many wonderful memories to me as Si's is just exactly like the sandbox we had in my backyard growing up. Can't beat 4 railroad ties and a truck load of sand!
This is when we first showed Si his new play area. He was excited but timid. Typical Silas. :)
Well, the day of the party came...along with a storm. Boo! So our sandbox party had to be crammed indoors. It worked out ok, but was veeeeerrrry tight! This year we invited all of his little friends from the neighborhood and chuch. It is cute to see them interact. Have you ever tried to get a picture of 13 kids with the majority under 3? Yeah, it isn't that easy...
We gave Silas his present from us on his actual birthday. As you can see, he was totally stoked!
Thanks to everyone for making this day a wonderful success!!
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Happy 21 Months, Si!
Silas is 21 months old. I absolutely cannot believe he is going to turn 2 in just a couple of short months! He weighs 31.5 lbs and is 34'' tall. Si is rocking his 2t outfits, and Mommy is ordering 3t/4t for the summer. His tennis shoes are an 8 and church shoes are a 7.5. We have a big little buddy on our hands!
Si-si's (he refers to himself as Si-si) favorite foods are not of the healthy variety. Pizza, french fries, suckers, Reese's Pieces, Hershey's Kisses, M&M's, rice, grits and eggs, mac and cheese, grilled cheese, and cereal top his list. He does like bananas, but most other fruit intake is still babyfood. I am refusing to buy any more, however, so he may just end up sticking to bananas. Silas HATES all kinds/types/flavors of jelly. Thankfully, he will eat a plain peanut butter sandwich if you call it a Reese's Pieces sandwich. The first mention of peanut butter and he refuses to even try it. We are getting there. He has a vitamin each day, which I would say is his favorite snack, so Richard and I aren't too worried about it. Milk is his favorite drink. He downs a gallon a week!
Silas talks in complete sentences. He knows how to count to 15, all of his colors, his ABC's (can recognize most capital letters and some lower case), John 3:16, Proverbs 3:5-6, Galatians 6:1, God is Great, Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep, his full name, my name, Richard's name, his age, body parts, and numerous songs. I am surprised daily at the songs he sings along with in the car or while playing on his own. Yes, my CD changer is filled with children's songs, but we both love it! Richard, on the other hand, would rather cut his ears off with a dull knife than listen to kid's songs. Too bad it is 2 against 1!
Si also is the announcer of our lives. He constantly tells you what is happening around you. For example, when we got home from church today and walked in the front yard, this is what he said, "Roofers on Mr. Jimmy's house. Mr. Jimmy sitting down up there. Mrs. Angie climbing down the ladder. Blower is loud. Hurts your ears. Si-si running in the grass. Mommy take your picture." and on and on and on. It cracks us up! Currently, he has his "I" and "You" reversed. Instead of saying "I want some milk, Mommy" he says "You want some milk, Mommy." I guess it is because we always asked him "Silas, do you want some milk?" so he just picked up the you part. Anyway, it is cute. :)
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This is what you get when you ask him to smile! |
Some fun things he loves are hide and seek and to be scared. I don't know why, but he loves for Richard or me to scare him! It is hilarious. His favorite hiding spot is behind the clothes in my closet. Another game he loves is to "donut" you. He will open and shut his hand to tickle you, and instead of singing the Jaws music, he says donut over and over with a huge smile on his face. When he wants to do something, Silas announces that it is ______ time. He will run to the swing and yell "Swing tiiiiiiiiime!" or run to his trains and yell "Train tiiiiiiiiime!" or even run to his bed and shout "Nite-nite tiiiiiiiiiime!"
Favorite toys right now all roll, whether balls, trains, or trucks. Tools rank right up there as well. Books are somewhat taking a back seat for the first time in his life. He is a little too busy to read. Si is just now discovering climbing. He loves to sit on top of things (coffee table, chairs, etc), and his run is a funny, bouncy toddler run.
He has successfully poo-pooed and tee-teed in the potty once. I am not calling it a fluke. I am calling it a start. :)
Hopefully, I will do a little better with my blogs in 2012! Until then, here are Silas's 18 months and 21 months pics with John Brown.
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October 2011 (18 months) |
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January 2012 (21 months) |
Where, oh where, have the Tisdales been?
*I began this post in November! Oops!
That is a great question. Currently we have been attacked by mounds of laundry to wash, stacks of papers to grade, weekly football games to conquer, a headstrong toddler that goes non-stop, plus numerous fun activities including the Botanical Gardens, Fall Festivals, and other Saturday adventures. Bless Si's heart, this Saturday, he couldn't even make it to his afternoon nap and instead opted for a 10:00 one. (Which does end up working out since we have HUGE 'Nut Fest plans today.) So as Si sleeps, I decided to avoid the suffocating monotony of daily chores to nap, surf, and blog. Hooray! An update! (I mean, the laundry is never-ending, right?) I am going to squish August-October into one post so stay with me.
Check out this cute little buddy at the pumpkin patch! We headed with my parents and the Blakeneys to Aplin Farms to celebrate fall. Silas, without a doubt, loved riding the wagon behind the tractor the best. He would ride all day if we would let him! We came home with 3 pumpkins for our little family. Good times.
Well, the little buddy is crying, so enjoy the pics! (So much for the in-depth post covering all of the fall's events. Still to come: Peanut Festival and Christmas)
That is a great question. Currently we have been attacked by mounds of laundry to wash, stacks of papers to grade, weekly football games to conquer, a headstrong toddler that goes non-stop, plus numerous fun activities including the Botanical Gardens, Fall Festivals, and other Saturday adventures. Bless Si's heart, this Saturday, he couldn't even make it to his afternoon nap and instead opted for a 10:00 one. (Which does end up working out since we have HUGE 'Nut Fest plans today.) So as Si sleeps, I decided to avoid the suffocating monotony of daily chores to nap, surf, and blog. Hooray! An update! (I mean, the laundry is never-ending, right?) I am going to squish August-October into one post so stay with me.
Check out this cute little buddy at the pumpkin patch! We headed with my parents and the Blakeneys to Aplin Farms to celebrate fall. Silas, without a doubt, loved riding the wagon behind the tractor the best. He would ride all day if we would let him! We came home with 3 pumpkins for our little family. Good times.
Silas wore two made-by-mommy costumes this Halloween/Harvest Day. At our church, there is a Bible costume competition. You may remember us rocking it out last year with our Adam costume. (By us I mean Silas) It was surely hard to top....but I tried with the Jordan River. He had water pants made by sweet LA. She is my sewing tutor, and I guess the thought of another 3 hour pant making lesson was frightening so she handled it herself. Ha! Two water capes rounded off the costume. I made his BammBamm costume myself with a little help from Aunt Cait!
Well, the little buddy is crying, so enjoy the pics! (So much for the in-depth post covering all of the fall's events. Still to come: Peanut Festival and Christmas)
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