Saturday, November 6, 2010

Parade of Nuts

Well, it just so happens that my husband is sick. Not just sick, but contagious. This changed our plans slightly, and now, I hate to say/type this, Si will be missing the Peanut Festival fair this year. This may seem insignificant to you, but my family and I have gone to the fair multiple nights every year for as long as I can remember. Thankfully, we did still make it to the parade in, you guessed it, a new carseat!

Silas LOVES being out of his tiny carrier carseat that was supposed to last the first year of his life (ie: until 30 lbs or 30 inches). Who knew 30 inches would approach so quickly?!

Leaving the hospital

Headed to 6 month checkup

Anyway, I do wish you could have seen me this morning heading to the parade. Richard being out of commission at the doctor's office, weather being antarctic, Si favoring the Abominal Snowman, and 4 minutes prior to the parade a windblown, frazzled, freezing me met Chubbs, Mimi, and Aunt Cait.

Silas had fallen asleep in the car, so he was confused when he awoke rolling in the stroller. Once he realized what was going on, he was excited. He really enjoyed seeing all of the vehicles passing by- as vehicles are his new passion in life.

After a while, the sweet little buddy couldn't manage to hold his eyes open anymore. He snuggled up with me and napped the rest of the way through.

Thankfully, when the parade had concluded, the fam was there to help me lug everything back to the car.

Once we got home, Daddy was banished to the bedroom on quarantine, and playtime commenced. Nut Fest, we will see you next year!


danielle said...

Hey! I saw your comment on my blog. Thanks for checking it out. Fortunately, I have a mother-in-law that loves to help me dress my children so a lot of their clothes come from her. As far as brands, he wears a lot of different ones including Rosalina, Bailey Boys, etc. I think she picks them up around stores in Dothan and on the internet.
Hope this helps.

julie said...

merry christmas