And re-packing was an exhausting experience for all parties involved.
But when the beach is beginning to look like this because of an oil leak.
(Those are oil barriers that were being placed all along the ocean and bay.)
It makes it easier to leave.
Our car was once again packed to the hilt. As we all know, somehow you have much more stuff returning from a trip than you do heading to your vacation destination. Silas was still crammed in the back seat.
I could barely sit in the front knees were up to my ears.
And Richard, once again, only had a 3 inch x 3 inch hole out of which to see behind him.
Once we finally reached the interstate on our journey home, the bottom fell out of the sky! It rained so hard that I truly thought we had missed the "build an ark" memo from God. Richard, who already drives slower than Christmas times ten, was going 45 mph, and even that putt-putt speed made me nervous. Things change when you have a baby in the car. 18-wheelers were blowing us off of the road splashing even more water onto our windshield. (This is how we discovered that I need new wipers.) It was just like Forest Gump, raining from all directions. After slowly trudging along in the downpour, we realized the countdown was on until time for Si to eat. We exited (along with approximately 30 other cars) in Defuniak Springs, and stopped here.
Although hesitant to enter, I didn't have a choice because my husband jumped out of the car, ran around it like a Chinese fire drill, snatched my baby, and headed inside before I had a chance to protest. I unwedged the diaper bag from under my feet, and unwillingly followed. The three of us headed to a booth, soaking wet, and decided to order. I was pleasantly surprised at the wonderful demeanor of the precious waitresses and the numerous options on the menu.
Now, I am a fish sandwich kind of girl. I love a fish sandwich, whether in the cafeteria, at McDonald's, or in a restaurant. I eyed one on the menu, and ordered away. It was delicious...

...and as big as my head!!
While we were there, Richard and I were reminded why (to the dismay of our mothers) we use papertowels as napkins in our house.

I think we used approximately 1/3 of the napkins in the holder on the table.
Finally, we finished eating, fed Silas (who screamed everytime we burped him to the point that the people around us thought they might need to contact the authorities), and were off. Six and a half hours after leaving Orange Beach, we arrived home. Praise the Lord!!
I forgot to mention, that while we were at the beach, Silas learned to do this!!!
After being home for a few days, Silas had his 2 month check up. Richard had summer basketball games, so Mimi came to hold my hand while Si got his shots.
You can tell by that picture that Si knew something was up. He weighed 13 lbs 9 ounces, was 24 inches long, and had a head circumference of 42 centimeters. In case you are wondering by the looks of his belly, he eats about 34 1/2 ounces a day.
He didn't mind the doctor while measurements were taking place, but, boy oh boy, he sure did hate getting his shots!!! I think I hated it more, and Mimi hated it the most.
His daddy did get to love on him once we all got home though.
Dr. Blaxton recommended we use faster bottle nipples in order to speed up Si's SLOW feedings. (It would take him at least 30 minutes to eat on a great day.) He did ok with them. When he was full, he made this face at the offering of the bottle.
We laughed and laughed!! He ran a fever of 100.2; however, he is now sleeping peacefully. I am so blessed that he is mine!!
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