Yup, 2 little boy swimsuits in his size!! He is going to need them, because as I type Daddy and Granddaddy are in the backyard leveling the ground for our above-ground pool!!!!!! We are both so excited!!
Speaking of Daddy, he had his 30th birthday and first Father's Day all in the same week. Needless to say, he was slightly traumatized. This was his first birthday to have a cake that said "Happy Birthday Daddy" instead of "Happy Birthday Richard."
Luckily I was there, because I believe Richard would have let him eat the icing. Seriously!! When I put a stop to it, Si looked at me like this. So sad.
For Father's Day, we went to Selma, Alabama. This is Mimi's hometown. Gigi, G-daddy, Graunt Judy, and Gruncle Barry all still live there, and we LOVE visiting as frequently as we are able. Of course, as soon as we arrived, the wonderful aromas of all of our favorites filled our noses. Weight Watchers flew out of the window, and I enjoyed being at Gigi's for our whole visit!! After eating a delicious dinner prepared by G-daddy (We know because it was so good. If it is good, then he had to make it. Just kidding Gigi!!), us women-folk enjoyed jabbering around the table, as usual.
Graunt Judy, Mimi, and Baby Si
Gigi (Caitlin wouldn't let me take her picture. Next time I will be sneaky.)
The neighbors generously sent over some cookies for us to enjoy. As we were trying to figure out what they were...raisin? gingerbread? nuts? chocolate chips?...they brought another bag, saying they didn't realize Gigi and G-daddy had company. Gigi asked what kind they were. We were told "mystery cookies." They definitely were a yummy mystery!
Then, Caitlin and I gathered our courage and entered the kitchen to do the dishes. Now there are many many things that gross me out; however, there are only a few that gross Caitlin out. This is one of them.
We paper-rock-scissored for who had to stick their hand in, but, thankfully, someone came to rescue us. I think it may have been Graunt Judy, but I was too busy gagging to notice.
When I noticed G-daddy twiddling his thumbs that night before bed, I asked him if he was too sleepy to stir. He assured me he wasn't and headed into the kitchen to make some world famous coke floats. No one can make one that compares to his. Period. Ever. They are such a delight!
Getting the necessary supplies.
Finished product.
Also, while we were there, Mimi almost lost her life. She was being proactive, rescuing the bird hotel that sits on the cement picnic table from the incoming storm. As soon as she picked it up, we heard what sounded like lightning. But no...it was a monstrous limb from a pine tree. Twenty-nine running steps in place, a dart to the side, and Mimi moved just in time to miss being completely smushed. The branch landed directly where she was standing! It took Blanton and Richard to lift the massive thing! (Don't worry, the bird hotel was perfectly fine.) Grateful that Mimi was alive, the family jumped in to dismember the limb and stack it at the street. G-daddy could have done it the next day by himself, but we figured he'd rather play golf.
Blanton, G-daddy, and Richard deciding where to saw next.
Looks like they picked a spot. Chubbs and Mimi are using the wheelbarrow in the background.
I know this is blurry, but it was too cute of Caitlin and the survivor.
When we got back to Dothan, we had a nice BBQ with Grandmother and Granddaddy. I'll tell you what, my beau can smoke some meat!! Yum!!!
Silas, of course, continued to delight in all of the attention he was receiving!
Yesterday, we headed to Luverne, Alabama, so Silas could meet his great grandmother, Granny Armstrong.
Granny graciously gave Si five dollars for his piggy bank. (and check out the ADORABUS outfit Grandmother got for him!!!!! It is mint green with a smocked train. We love it! I saved it all week thinking it would look great in pictures...but it is officially too small.)
The look isn't because of the money; it's because of the camera, again. Ha! Granny couldn't believe how chubby he was. She said he was as heavy as lead! How true she is! We were also glad to see that some of his great aunts and uncles came to meet him as well. I think everyone enjoyed the visit.
Aunt Louise, Aunt Debe, Richard with Silas, Aunt Margaret, Uncle Doc, Uncle George
After leaving Granny's we walked to Aunt Mary's, who lives just across the street.
She loved on Silas, and gave us a delicious pecan pie. Yum!! (Weight Watchers really put up a good fight this time. Richard ate half of my piece.) All in all, we had a wonderful Father's Day week. Silas got to spend it with some of his favorite men.


Gruncle Barry