Baby Jaby is eight entire months old. It is so hard to believe! Time sure does pass more quickly with baby number two! JB is the absolute sweetest, happiest baby in the world. He is always smiling and always ready to explore.
With an army crawl faster than any one I have ever seen, JB moves all over the place. He gets where ever he wants to go as fast as he can. JB will crawl about three steps on hands and knees before he deserts that method and returns to the ever true army scoot. I can't believe how fast he goes! He loves to stand and jump. He can't pull up yet nor go from crawling to sitting. He is so close with pushing up to the sitting position!
JB takes a short morning nap and a long afternoon nap. He is a great night sleeper, usually sleeping from 7 to 7. JB always sleeps with a paci but never wants one during the day. He also likes it in his car seat. Each night, he sleeps in pj's and a sleep sack as he is pretty cold natured. (Si was a sweater. He never slept in a sleep sack and usually wore footless pj's. Surprise, surprise.)

JB has a bottle for breakfast, a fruit and veggie for lunch, a bottle pre nap, a bottle post nap, 2-3 oz of cereal with fruit for dinner, and a bottle prior to bed. JB is not loving his bottles lately, but we are ensuring that he gets the Doc Rams recommended minimum of 16 oz a day. Usually he ends up around 20 per day. JB does not like any food with texture- no puffs, no teething crackers, no level 3 foods, no bread, no nothing. Every time he tries it he begins shivering, gagging, and crying. It is usually a ten minute ordeal. Ha! I am not stressed about it as I am strange about textures sometimes as well. I am certain he will eat solid foods prior to kindergarten. ;) (JB also refuses English pea baby food. Can't blame him there either.)

JB has two teeth now! The bottom two in the middle popped through earlier this month. He LOVES pat-a-cake, pee pie, and clapping. Technically, he can wave "bye-bye" now, but that happened the week after the 8 month mark so I should probably save that until next month's post.
We had JB's baby dedication this month. He wore the same romper Silas wore. The funny thing is: Silas was only 6m old and he was squeezed into it. JB was 8m old and it was rather big! So crazy how different they are! Aunt Judy took great pics, so I will upload them once I get them. My camera had a few.
Sweet Baby JB, we pray that above all else your glorify God with your life, share His great love with others, and tell everyone about His saving grace.