Silas is 15 months old and a regular chatterbox! At his appointment this week, he weighed in at a heavy 27.5 pounds (85%). He was 32 3/4 inches tall (82%), and his head was 49.5 centimeters around (95%). Silas is definitely in the big head club with his mommy. We can't help it; our heads contain large brains... well, that is what I tell myself anyway. Si has eight teeth. Four on top and four on bottom. He is working on cutting his molars, and I can assure you we will all be excited when they FINALLY come in! Silas's hair is very blonde, skin is olive, and eyes are bright blue. In case you can't tell, he looks just like his daddy- with my skin tone.
Si still loves all things water, book related, and that roll. This includes everything from balls to wheeled toys to Cheerios. As far as food goes, Silas's main nutrition still comes from baby food green beans (or bean greens as he sometimes calls them), squash, and chicken noodle. He has a texture issue, so we are working on eating more "grown-up" food. Using a fork for almost everything has helped him. Acutally, baby food is very easy for us to do, so I don't mind! Si also LOVES yogurt, bananas, pizza, puffs, Cheerios, Mum-mums, crackers, french fries, and cheese. He will ask for all of those by name. The only nickname he has is "moo" which refers to milk. He made it up himself and stands completely by it. We say milk, but he will answer us moo. Cracks me up!
Like I said, Si is a regular chatterbox these days. I am going to try to list all of the words he says and uses correctly on his own (not words he parrots). All of these words he says clearly so that anyone can understand. Here we go: ball, monkey, slide, swing, chair, basketball, cart, wagon, car, truck, tractor, 4-wheeler, bicycle, Elmo, Mickey Mouse, Goofy, more, please, motorcycle, big, flag, door, frog, book, moon, tree, sky, flower, abacus, stable, horse, sheep, goat, duck, banana, apple, pinwheel, no, hi, bye-bye, baby, sleep, shoe, sock, shirt, pants, giant-excavator, steering wheel, zapper, remote, bath, belt, kicking, highchair, eat, drink, juice, moo, alligator, dog, cat, chicken, haybale, plow, barn, Bobcat (front-end loader), lawnmower, firetruck, boat, airplane, TV, helicopter, giraffe, bat, light, Scout, John Brown, octopus, Murdock, yummy, yucky, blanket, P.U., teeth, hair, ear, eye, nose, cheeks, arm, knee, elbow, belly, toes, foot, tally-wacker (Yes, you read that correctly. Thanks Daddy.), knuckles, hand, wipe, mouth, table, bed, towel, washcloth, lotion, bottle, shower, poo-poo (more thanks to Daddy), open, boom, closed, off, on, pool, penguin, Orajel, choo-choo train, Daddy, Mommy, Si-Si, Lottie, Mimi, Chubbs, Cici, Caddy, Bunker, Doodle, G-daddy, Gigi, Juju, Barry, Gates, Anna Reed, Emi, PayPay, Graci, Cindy, Boy, Jonathan, Zachary, Yaya, Grandmother, Irene, Tori, Biscuit, Susanna, Cooper, Hadley, ice, water, wet, rain, thunder, mailbox, again, leaf, window, wave, umbrella, ma'am, bubbles, fish, crab, hanger, trash, phone, outside, hello, cat, vase, mess, diaper, basket, bucket, toolbox, ice, dot, hole, hammer, rock, Jesus, brush, teeth, toothpaste, green beans, blinds, window, drive, DVD, read, dot, building, and endless animal sounds. That is all I can think of right now, and I am positive there are many I am forgetting.
Silas can also put words together into phrases and sentences. Here are some examples of what he has said today:
Throw it away.
Outside trash.
More moo please.
No ma'am.
All done Mum-mum.
Bye-bye Susannah.
Daddy's belt.
Daddy's shoe.
Mommy's shirt.
Oh-wee Monkey.
Slide down.
Again please.
Bye-bye baby.
Sit bottom.
Light on.
Read book please.
Take bath.
Brush teeth please.
Brush hair.
I love you, too.
Each day he learns and says new things. It blows us away! The other day, we had friends over for dinner. On the table, I lined up three of the cups we were drinking from. Silas named them with me: Mommy's cup, Daddy's cup, Cooper's cup. Then I mixed them up, and he correctly named them all again by himself! I couldn't believe it! This was the first time I had tried to do that. We are having such fun watching him learn.
Silas is working on switching from 2 naps to 1 nap. Some days we take 2, and some 1. He goes to bed between 7 and 8. Wake up comes between 6:30 and 7 in the morning. I go get him when I hear him fussing through the monitor. The first thing he asks for is always moo. After a quick diaper change, we grab his cup of moo and head back to Mommy and Daddy's bed. Each morning he sits between us, drinking his moo, and watches Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. He loves that show! Especially the "Hot Dog" song at the end. Richard and I are cherishing the snuggle time too. Summers are a wonderful part of teaching. Even though we both have a million school things we have to do each day, it does allow us the time to slow down and enjoy snuggles!
Silas has FINALLY learned to climb up and slide down his slide by himself. He also loves to climb and stand in his chair. Rolling cars and trucks on the floor while crawling behind them is most definitely his new pastime. I love watching him do this- it makes him look like such a big boy! Si looks for any opportunity to sneak into a bathroom. I think it is his favorite room because there is so much to get into in there.When we catch him in ours, he is either playing with the toilet, digging empty toilet paper rolls out of the trash, or hitting the empty hangers in our closet to hear the noise they make. In his bathroom he tries to pull up the white screw covers on the bottom of the toilet, slams the toilet lid, opens the cabinets, or pulls back the shower curtain and yells, "Bath please!"
I think that might catch us up some. Happy 15 Months, Silas! (Here is a pic with John Brown, of course!)