Yes, I realize I am very behind in the blogging world. School will be out come June 3, and I hope to keep much better track of our lives over the summer.

Disclaimer: Please ignore our dead grass. Richard's philosophy is "Do not water it or I will have to cut it!"
Richard and I have not cleaned out our pool or bought Si a wade pool yet. Sadly, each day he walks up to the back door, points, and whines, "Pool. Pool. Pool." So, I took my ingenuity to the garage and found Si's outgrown duckie tub. Who said you must have a pool to play in the pool?
At first, Silas splashed and splashed and splashed. Then he tried to drink the water- face first! This made me slightly nervous. We are going to have to work on the whole holding your breath thing. The hose was Si's favorite part. He loved getting sprayed, squirted, and showered upon.
As soon as I got him out, he began crying to get back in the "bath." LOL! He had such a big time. It seems he has inheritied his mother's love for the water!
Disclaimer: Please ignore our dead grass. Richard's philosophy is "Do not water it or I will have to cut it!"