Silas is 10 months old and I can't believe it! He has officially taken his first steps, can identify your nose, coughs when you ask him if you need to call Dr. Blaxton, calls the puppies with a squeal, clicks his tongue like teeth clacking together when you ask to see his teeth, growls when asked what a shark says, claps to cheer himself on, and can find his favorite book no matter where you hide it. Even through all the sickness over the last month- including our first stomach virus, I do believe month number 10 has been the most fun.

Si is truly a cruising machine. He can walk all over the house hanging on to things. Honestly, if he would just let go, he could walk. It is ridiculous! We don't tell him though because it is hard to keep him contained as it is. Silas's crawling skills are much improved as well. Now, he isn't as quick as Cooper, but he can be gone in a flash! It is a gimpy army crawl with his right arm folded in. He still won't get on his hands and knees.

Our little buddy has learned a new trick as well. He jumps on the bed. Yes, you read that correctly. Silas holds on to the side rail of his crib and jumps up and down like crazy. It is like he is in the bouncer except he isn't safely secured in place. Though it makes me absolutely nervous, I let him to it anyway. Ha! Speaking of the bouncer, about the only action it has received this month is playing around the outside. It seems their love for each other is dwindling.
He still ADORES bath time and kicks galore the entire time. Silas will let you know when he is done by pulling up on the side of the tub. Then, you must swing him side to side to get all of the giggles out and excess water off before sitting him on the counter beside the sink. While he is getting dried, he turns the sink water on and off and on and off and on and off. He fusses every time you take him to his room to put on PJ's and a diaper but pauses long enough to flip the light switch off on our way out the door.

Food is still going well. There have been a couple days that Si has refused to eat baby food because he wanted to feed himself, but he is mostly still happy and full. I am planning on going ahead a purchasing some whole milk (yuck) so we can begin giving him a few sips here and there in preparation for the one year mark. He loves cheese, waffles, bread, muffins, Cheerios, Gerber cheese puffs, and puffs. Si doesn't like non-baby food fruits yet. I think the texture gets to him.

Silas loves to go bye-bye. He talks and talks and talks and talks in the car. I have also noticed that he will put his thumb or pointer finger inside of his paci when he sucks it in the car. It looks very funny. I am very glad that we can turn him forward facing soon as his knees are almost up to his ears.

Outside is where Si chooses to be. If you hold his hand and let him lead, he takes you to an outside door every single time. I can't wait for this summer! Between his love of the water and his love for the outdoors, we will both be brown as berries and having so much fun! I am ordering him 18-24 month clothes for this summer. I can't believe this is the only summer he will be able to wear bubbles!

Si refused to give us smiles for any John Brown pictures. Instead he went for a leaf snack.
Full planning mode is on for a wagon birthday. I cannot believe I am typing that. These 10 months have flown past. Silas is such a joy. Richard and I never dreamed we would be so blessed with such a beautiful, perfect, funny, loving, snuggly, amazing boy!