It is official. Two thirds of the first year of Silas's life have now come and gone. We are working on the last third. Scary. It has made me begin realizing that I am about the be 27. This means that about 1/3, give or take a few years, of my life has come and gone. Whew, that carries a lot of weight. I digress, this is about Si. :) I can't believe my little buddy is 9 months old! He is truly a greater joy each and every day.

Silas is becoming more hard headed as each day passes. It is unbelievable how opinionated he is already. Silas knows exactly what he wants and when he wants it. He also knows that complaining gets him things. I am not quite sure how to handle the situation. I mean, he can't talk. Whining is the only way he can communicate. Now, when he pitches an all-out fit, of course he doesn't get his way. The complaining, though, is usually answered. I am beginning to wonder if "no-no" will be his first word...

Eating is still going very well. I am lucky because he is a very clean eater. Usually food does not get all over the place. He will never know how grateful I am for that! I would say that all in all Silas is just very clean altogether...guess that is because I make him that way! He loves green veggies except peas (I don't blame him), anything orange, all fruits except mangoes (he will deal with peaches, but doesn't love them), Cheerios, yogurt, puffs, breads, and has discovered pancakes. Juice is going ok. He will drink an ounce or two each day if offered. Sippy cups have been set aside for now. We weren't being very successful, so I figured we could pick them up at a later date.

Yesterday, Si crawled 3 feet. Today, he crawled zero. Zero feet, zero inches, zero seconds on his stomach without screaming. He did move all over his bed when I was trying to take pictures with John Brown. If it was on the floor, I would have categorized it as crawling. He has been moving all over his bed for awhile now. Everything Silas tries to pull up on turns over. We apparently have super baby, aka Bam-bam, on our hands. By everything, I mean the push car walker, the frog, the toy bucket, everything. Richard picked Si up while he was hanging onto the frog rocker with one hand, and Silas picked the rocker up too. He is really strong! I am very surprised, though, that he hasn't pulled up in his crib yet. I guess that will come when he can go from laying to sitting. These are all struggles for a big baby. (I will come back and post his height/weight after our visit with Dr. B next week.)

This afternoon Si was rather fussy. I thought it was because he missed his morning nap. It probably was somewhat, but he also is about to have 2 new teeth! You can see both top teeth through his gums. That will bring our total to 4. Si will soon have a toothy grin!
Goodnight Moon is still Si's favorite part of our bedtime routine. Instead of turning each page like before, he only turns the black and white ones. He will never turn a colored page. Silas just sits there and studies it until you turn it. As soon as you hit a black and white page, he is jumping to turn to the next colored one. He loves any toy that rolls, spins, or has wheels. Silas will spin things all day! His newest sound is a growl-like gremlin noise. I think Cooper taught it to him.

Another favorite is looking at the baby in the mirror. Si gets so excited when he knows we are about to pass the foyer mirror. You must stop each time to talk to the baby. He is about to be somewhat sad though. I am packing up the nativity scene, and he really enjoys playing with Joseph.
Each day with Silas gets better and better. I can't wait to see what he learns to do next!