And this:

Next came:


After two years came:

Now we have:

And it is absolutely wonderful!
Currently, I am a stay at home mom...until August that is. Though I am truly grateful to have my woderful job as a third grade teacher, especially after all of the budget cutbacks my tenure year, I cringe at the idea of leaving my little buddy to go to school and spend it with other people's children each day. I am sure they feel the same way about lending their children to me all day, so I guess it all pans out in the end.
So far, life after Silas has been absolutely wonderful! Next week, however, we are tackling our first big trip: a week at the beach. Now, Si and I left Richard and headed to Selma for a quick overnight on Mother's Day weekend. It took me 4 hours to pack us for one night! I couldn't believe how much stuff I needed to bring to feel securely prepared for the big event. My car was stuffed to the maximum...and did I mention that was only for one night!
Now, in order to prepare to leave Sunday afternoon, I must first, as any good Southern lady would (so taught my mom, Mimi), funeralize my house. Yes, I said funeralize. This means that I prepare my house so that if we happen to perish while away people will not be shocked, awed, and all aghast when they enter my home to prepare for our funeral. I know it sounds absurd, but I always feel better leaving when I know my house is funeralized. One time I left the master bed unmade and had a tinge of anxiety running through my body for our entire endeavor.
As a list maker- one of those that adds things I've already done to my list so that I can cross them off- when I begin something, I must start at the very beginning. Currently, I feel as though I cannot funeralize my house because I can't funeralize my bedroom because I must tackle the beast. This next picture is not for the faint of heart.

Yes...that is my closet. No...not one item of clothing in there belongs to Richard. It seems as though I have been harboring clothes of all sizes and styles so long that not one more thing can fit in my closet. I have been stacking clothes on my dresser instead. Why are they not going into my dresser you ask? Oh, that is because inside each one of those little drawers is another mound of clothes packed as tightly as Silas was in his new outfit yesterday. Procrastinator at heart, I have put this off now for 7 weeks. So my goal this week is to tackle the
beast so that I can funeralize my house so that we can go on vacation.
Now to all of you who have had babies before, please help me with my list of things I need for a week. Here is my first draft:
- diapers
- wipes
- waterproof pads
- Desitin
- lotion
- nose sucker thingie
- saline solution
- tub
- washcloths
- towels
- soap
- Pack-n-Play
- vibrating chair
- Boppy
- pj's
- bottles
- formula
- nursery water
- paci
- extra paci
- extra paci
- blankets for swaddling
- quilt to play on the floor
- CD player
- clampable mobile
- sufficent number of outfits
Here lies our problem...sufficent number of outfits. This is Silas's closet.

It looks completely full, but many of the items he can't wear until he is approximately 3 or the size of a three year old. (I can't help myself.) The sad news is, Si is beginning to outgrow his precious newborn daygowns. Since realizing this, I seized the opportunity to shop, and purchased a couple of adorable monogrammed outfits.

Yes, they look precious. But now see my little buddy in his brand new outfit...

Why is he making that face? Oh, that is because he can't lift his arms and the circulation in his legs is being cut off! That's right. My two brand new 3 month bubbles are too small. And let's be real here; there aren't many people with the initials SQT. And no, we aren't naming our next child with the same initials just so he could wear the outfit. Sorry Richard. Sad day...the outfits have been retired. Guess that means I once again need to shop!! Forget the
beast, I still have 5 1/2 more days.